Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cheer List

Cheer List


-Go D-D-D Defense
-Defense ** Defense**
-D-E ** F-E ** N-S-E

-T-A-K-E, take that ball away
-Push ‘em, push ‘em back, push ‘em back, lets go
-Let’s go purple and white, get the ball and score
-F-I-G-H-T, fight lancers fight
-Defense, defense, hold that line
-Defense, defense, lancer defense, hold that line
-T to the A to the K to the E, take that ball away
-Get that ball take it away ***
-F-FI—F-I-G-H-T, fight
-Take it away lancers take it away


-First and ten, do it again, go * go
-Go for six ** purple white **

-Touchdown, touchdown, score six ***
-Six more, six more, c’mon lancers let’s up that score
-S-C ** O-R-E ** score * score * score **
-Score six again we want to win, lancers score six
-Fight fight, score score, c’mon lancers we want more
-S-C-O-R-E, score lancers score
-Touch, D-O-W-N, touchdown, let’s win


-Let’s go purple, let’s go white, purple fight, white fight, Norton High fight (2x)
-Y-E-L-L everybody yell purple (purple). Y-E-L-L everybody yell white (white). Y-E-L-L everybody yell purple, white (purple, white) (1x)
-Go, lancers, beat those ______

-N-H-S ** let’s go lancers
-G-O let’s go lancers G-O let’s go
-Go, go, G-O G-O, N-H-S
-YE-LL everybody yell, let’s go lancers
-Yell it, HUH, louder now, N-H-S
-Lancer fans in the stands yell go (go). Lancer fans in the stands yell fight (fight). Lancer fans in the stands yell win (win). All together let’s hear you yell go fight win, c’mon go fight win.
-Lancers, stand up yell with us, purple (purple). Lancers, stand up yell with us, white (white). Lancers, stand up yell with us, purple, white (purple, white).
-When I say purple you say white, purple (white) purple (white). When I say Norton you say lancers, Norton (lancers) Norton (lancers). When I say number you say one, number (one) number (one).
Ms. R's
-Big G, Little O
-Move it down the field
-Sack that quarterback
-Lets get fired up

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